POST 34/191 :
REF NO: 230922/03
Branch: Provincial Coordination and International Corporation Gauteng
SD: Water Sector Planning Support
SALARY : R502 647 per annum, (OSD)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
A four Degree or equivalent qualification in Natural/Environmental Sciences.
Six (6) years post qualification experience. A valid unexpired driver’s license.
Experience and competencies of dealing with municipal Integrated
Development Plans (IDP’s) and Water and Sanitation Development Plans
(WSDP’s). Knowledge of Legislation and Policies governing Water Supply and
Sanitation. Knowledge of strategic planning, resource allocation and human
resources. Knowledge of Public Service Act and Regulations. Knowledge of
Public Finance Management Act. Knowledge of Project Management. Problem
solving and analysis. Strategic Capability and Leadership. Programme and
Project Management. Financial Management. Change Management.
Knowledge Management. Service Delivery Innovation (SDI). Problem Solving
and Analysis. People Management and Empowerment. Client Orientation and
Customer Focus. Communication. Accountability and Ethical Conduct. Valid
driver’s License. The ability and willingness to travel and work long hours where
necessary. Supervision of staff.
Co-ordinate Provincial and Municipal Water & Sanitation Master plans. Ensure
inputs into the development of Water Services Development Planning (WSDP);
Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Free Basic Water-and-Sanitation
(FB W&S) within Gauteng province. Ensure alignment of National and
Provincial priorities within individual WSDP’s and IDPs. Participate in Drafting
of Water Supply and Sanitation Developmental Policies with regards to WSDP
and FBW&S. Liaise with Municipalities, COGTA, SALGA and other
stakeholders on the status of WASPs and IDPs. Assist relevant Control
Engineering Technicians to monitor the implementation of WSDP and FBW&S
at municipal level. Establish and maintain provincial relations with all
stakeholders. Assist with coordination of contract management of water-and sanitation projects. Administrate and update the applicable water-and sanitation databases. Promote a culture of learning and exchange of
information (Sector Advocacy).
Mr S MaphanguEla Tel No: 012 392 1511
Gauteng (Pretoria): Please forward your application quoting the relevant
reference number to The Regional Head, Department of Water & Sanitation,
Private Bag X 995, Pretoria 0001, or hand deliver at reception ,15th Floor,
Bothongo Plaza East, 285 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria, 0001.
CLOSE DATE:23 September 2022